
Forging Iron Is #Badass And So Is Celeste Flores

By Cathy Niland | 12.11.19

Celeste Flores is a badass. She fell in love with blacksmithing in art school, but it wasn’t until she came to The Crucible that she decided to become a full-time metalworker.

“I’ve been rejected for my appearance and for being unconventional and in those environments, I wasn’t able to thrive,” she says. But The Crucible was a welcoming and supportive place for her, both as an artist and an entrepreneur. In the last year, Celeste was commissioned to create a forged floral watering system for Lake Merritt’s Bonsai Garden, worked with the team that fabricated the Bay Bridge Series trophy, and forged a Seahorse Sconce that raised over $2,000 for The Crucible’s education programs at our annual art auction.

“At The Crucible, I have been able to work and grow my business without as much risk. I really needed the ability to learn and take my time.”

Forging ornamental iron railings is badass. But even more badass is supporting the next generation of badass artists. We need you to #BeABadass and step up and ensure future badass artists like Celeste can thrive.

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