Community & Public Art

The Crucible has a long history of partnering with other organizations and communities to create powerful place-based art works. Based on your needs, we’d love to recommend artists from our community of makers for public art and community benefit projects.

We are especially looking for groups interested in commissioning our Fuego Youth Leaders, experienced makers who are 15-18 years old, to work with a Crucible mentor to complete community and public art pieces. Contact us to collaborate or ask for a bid.

Do you have a more personal project? Submit it to our Jobs Board so our community of artists can bid.

Commissioned Art Projects

We use site-relevant artists, experienced fabricators, professional project management, and our community-based educational focus to ensure more engaged stakeholders and a more collaborative outcome.

Bike Racks for Affordable Housing

2022: four unique bike racks featuring four Oakland waterfront images—a bird, waves, boats, and a Port of Oakland crane
Lead Artists: Jazzy Schwinges-Williams and Elaine Jefferey
Project in partnership with Civic Design Studio
Commissioned by MidPen Housing for the Foon Lok Affordable Housing development
2018: trophy forged from Bay Bridge Steel for the baseball series between the Oakland A’s and San Francisco Giants
Lead Artists: Celeste Flores, Chris Niemer, Don Plumb, and artists from Scientific Art Studio
Commissioned by NBC Sports Bay Area and NBC Sports California

Key to the City of Oakland

2015: Ceremonial key presented to dignitaries from the Mayor of Oakland, 1′ long
Lead Artists: Jeremy Crandell, Nick DiPhillipo
Commissioned by The Office of the Mayor, City of Oakland

Bronze Medallions for Hilltop Park

2016: Medallions depicting themes in the history and culture of the Bayview neighborhood, 1′ diameter
Lead Artist: Denise Snaer Gauder
Commissioned by the Trust for Public Land

Drawn To Luna

2015: Environmental sculpture installed in new residential development, 2.5’ diameter
Lead Artist: Peter Kropf
Commissioned by Essex

Steel Wave

2014: Free-form environmental sculpture installed in new residential development, 4′ x 56’
Lead Artist: Peter Kropf
Commissioned by Essex

Schools of Fish

2013: Multi-media project fabricated of foam, steel, and copper, glass
Lead Artists: Rob Nehring, Janet Heibert, Billy Hiebert, Chris Niemer, Tory Fink
Commissioned by the California Academy of Sciences

Laurel Neighborhood

2010: Tree grates, surround, trash cans, and bike racks for the City of Oakland
Lead Artists: Michael Sturtz, Buzz Volker
Commissioned by City of Oakland

Youth Community Art

We work with youth to create site-specific art installations that emphasize collaboration and connection with our industrial arts education programs.

2018: 6’x8′ sculpture of a crashing wave made from recycled materials and installed in Schnitzer Steel’s corporate offices
Lead Artists: 2018 Fuego Youth Leaders
Commissioned by Schnitzer Steel
2017: arch for the main student entrance featuring work by each Crucible department to represent their medium and tools of their discipline
Lead Artists: 2017 Crucible Pre-Apprentice Program students
Commissioned by contributions to The Crucible

Vegetable Cart For City Slicker Farms

2015: mobile vegetable stand for City Slicker Farms
Lead Artists: John McCormack and participating West Oakland youth

Cole Middle School Bench

2016: wooden bench installed at Cole Middle School during their graduation ceremony
Lead Artists: Design and fabrication by twelve Cole Middle School students

Public Art Sculpture

2016: sculpture depicting industrial tools, installed in front of The Crucible, 12’ tall
Lead Artists: Crucible Pre-Apprentice Program students
Commissioned by contributions to The Crucible

Gates to City Slicker Farms

2015: Steel ornamental gates to new West Oakland urban gardens, 6’ x 10’
Lead Artist: Crucible Pre-Apprentice Program students
Commissioned by City Slicker Farms

The Bike Bridge

2012: Welded sculpture of recycled bicycle parts, 20’ x 20’
Lead Artist: Michael Christian
Commissioned by the Black Rock Arts Foundation

Chicken Coop

2010: Wood and steel fabricated for Oakland International High School, 4’ x 7′ x 4′
Lead Artists: Matt Wolpe, Kevin McElroy
Commissioned by contributions to The Crucible

Black Panther Project

2012: Glass mosaic sculpture by Edna Brewer Middle School students, 3’ x 6′ x 4.5′
Lead Artist: Rachel Rodi
Commissioned by PTSA of Edna Brewer

Sculptural Tree

2015: Steel fabricated and forged for Oakland International High School, 8’ tall
Lead Artist: Brian Enright, Oakland International High School students
Commissioned by contributions to The Crucible

Questions? Contact Us

[email protected]
(510) 444-0919